PRESS RELEASE: Congress Votes to Erode Rights Under the ADA


February 15, 2018


Anastasia Bacigalupo

(310) 390-3611

Congress Votes to Erode Rights Under the ADA

LOS ANGELES, CA – In response to the vote to the House of Representatives passing the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Education and Reform Act (HR 620), DCRC Chief Executive Officer Anastasia Bacigalupo made the following statement:

“The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a promise to all Americans, regardless if you are born with or acquire a disability, that you will all have the same opportunities to achieve your full potential in American society. You will have the same access to employment, education and commerce. And, equally important, you will have your civil rights protected and enforced.

“Today, Congress betrayed that promise to all disabled Americans. This cynical legislation disregards our nation’s history of expanding opportunity for all Americans. It rewards businesses who have broken the law and ignored the ADA for 28 years. Shockingly, it shifts the burden for enforcing the ADA onto the very people who are being discriminated against.

“As this legislation heads to the Senate, disabled Americans must educate their Senators as to how HR 620 erodes the ADA.  We will fight defend the ADA against this attack with activism, advocacy and come election time, our votes.  You will feel the power of the disability vote.”

DCRC and members of the disability community are available for comment and reaction.  For more information, contact Anastasia Bacigalupo at (310) 390-3611

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Disability Community Resource Center is a community center with the mission to provide people with disabilities of all ages, ethnicities and backgrounds with the tools needed to overcome the barriers that interfere with their independence in the areas of housing, employment and healthcare. DCRC serves over 2,000 each year with resources, support, training and information. For more information visit: