Sally Richman has worked in the field of affordable housing and community development for over 37 years, serving in small non-profit agencies, as a consultant and for the City of Los Angeles. Sally first came into contact with DCRC in 2000, serving on its Housing 2000 Committee, and since 2012 has proudly served on DCRC’s Board of Directors, including as Treasurer and Board President.
Sally’s overarching career theme has been to prevent harm to vulnerable residents and to work in partnership to develop new ways to meet community needs. As a city employee, she has played a principal role in several efforts involving dozens of stakeholders and working groups that resulted in innovative programs and effective public-private partnerships focused on a variety of topics including accessible affordable housing, systematic code enforcement of rental housing, predatory lending, homelessness, childhood lead poisoning prevention, and more. From 2011 – 2014, she led a FEMA-funded regional catastrophic preparedness housing recovery planning project to capture local institutional memory from prior disasters, in order to prepare for future emergencies. In her free time, she tends a new vegetable garden and tries out Instant Pot recipes.